Gousto Joins Global Betterment Movement with B Corp™ Certification

Gousto, the leading recipe box company, proudly announces its official B Corp certification, joining a prestigious global community of businesses committed to creating a positive impact on the world.

Attaining this certification was no easy feat, as the application process is rigorous. However, Gousto believes that the effort is worthwhile, as being a B Corp not only signifies meeting the highest environmental and social standards but also entails a long-term commitment to upholding these standards.

To shed light on the certification journey, here are a few notable accomplishments that Gousto is particularly proud of.

Addressing Carbon Emissions and Food Waste

In May, Gousto revealed that subscribing to a Gousto box once a week could save the UK a staggering 10.3 million tonnes of carbon emissions annually. This translates to a remarkable 23% reduction in carbon footprint compared to shopping at traditional supermarkets. By meticulously planning and pre-portioning ingredients, Gousto has successfully minimized food waste in both their factories and customers’ homes. Furthermore, the company prioritizes sourcing British meat and produce whenever possible, supporting local suppliers.

Caring for Communities and Food Security

Gousto believes that enhancing the well-being and health of communities is integral to their mission. Whether customers are experienced chefs or beginners, Gousto ensures the provision of fresh ingredients to enable the preparation of healthy and irresistible meals. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gousto launched initiatives such as the Food Finder and Cookstarter campaigns in collaboration with DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), aimed at supporting individuals and independent restaurants across the UK. Additionally, Gousto works closely with charity partners, including FareShare, to donate surplus food to those in need, combating hunger in society.

Investing in People and Sustainability

Gousto recognizes that its employees are instrumental in their success. To prioritize the well-being and happiness of the team, Gousto became a Real Living Wage employer, ensuring fair compensation. In January 2021, every full-time employee was given the opportunity to become a shareholder, aligning their interests with the company’s growth. Gousto is also committed to eradicating unsustainable practices within its supply chain. By fostering close relationships with suppliers of all sizes and implementing a strict Supplier Code of Conduct, Gousto strives to promote sustainability across its operations.

Part of a Global Movement Achieving B Corp certification marks a significant milestone for Gousto, made possible by the incredible support and feedback from its customers. This certification also opens up avenues for collaboration with other passionate B Corp businesses, working together to combat climate change and create a fairer world for all.

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